Is Audra Victor's Daughter?
We just had a good chuckle when we were discussing the possibilities of Victor being Audra's bio Dad because we were thinking it would be fun for Victoria to have competition for Daddy's affection. Then we realized that Victoria already has a 1/2 sister in Abby but it doesn't seem like she ever had to fight for Daddy's affection. Just like Adam, Abby has always been a bit less than in Victor and especially Nikki's eyes.
Who wouldn't put first the children of a an ex-stripper pole dancer over a blind country girl and the heiress to the Abbott fortunes? Just typing that out felt ridiculous but Victor has always put Nick and Victoria above his other children.
What is going on with Victor?
Seriously, why does he seem so TAKEN with Audra. Does he feel a primal connection to her or is he attracted to her? Where are they going with this and why did Victoria go out of town suddenly and without warning during this time of upheaval at Newman. In addition, why is all this being rushed so much. They are acting like SNA is an actual company when it is not. Is this just sloppy writing from the Junior Writers a/k/a Scabs?
Vintage Rock'em Sock'em Robots
WHY B & B - WHY?
RJ is probably one of the only child characters that was SORAS'D that people just can't seem to stand. First, they bring him back from obscurity full grown and then they expect us to believe that he is some social media influencer. They did this without once alluding to the fact that this Forrester was making it big in social media.
Were Ridge and Eric proud of RJ
During this scene it was actually hard to tell if Eric and Ridge were impressed with RJ or thought he was in over his pay grade. The viewers at BACK STAGE PASS NEWS thought this was the most obnoxious scene. Why is this steroid taking teeny bopper putting his nose where it doesn't belong? They bring this character back to the show SORAS'ing him like 8 years during a 2-year time frame and expect us to respect the things he says and does. Why doesn't this young man have a life or friends of his own? Does anybody else find this bizarre?
Awkward during the birthday party scene
The scenes with Liam, Hope and RJ were super awkward and they became even more awkward when Brooke chimed in her lousy 2 cents. Why do these people think it is okay to lecture these adults who are actually officially divorced at their daughters birthday party. How did you feel about this. Write your comments below.
Up until now, nobody had any reason to wonder about Finn and his state of mind. It was always very clear that Finn was above reproach. Yet, all of a sudden he feels a primal pull to his birth mother. Will Finn go to Sheila for help in getting his family back? Will this break up result in the kidnapping of Hayes?
So it is the next day and Ridge decides today that he is going to go have a talk with Finn? Shouldn't he have done that like yesterday? Will Ridge see that there is more to Finn than everyone ever knew? Will he see Sheila's crazy in Finn?
Hope knows exactly where Liam in heading. She has been down this road before. It really does seem that Hope is over it all. She is happy to be out of the triangle.
Liam is just too much
Liam's ultimate gall is beyond measure. Him telling Steffi's husband that you don't know the love me and Staffi had was really over the line. Then he runs to Steffi and tells her he told her husband how much he loves her. WOW, JUST WOW!! Do you want to see Steffi back with Liam?
Make You Feel My Love - Take a listen to this beautiful acoustic version of this beautiful song.Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system).
In MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body. Eventually, the disease can cause permanent damage or deterioration of the nerve fibers. CHARACTER NIKKI NEWMAN DIAGNOSIS
The character of Nikki Newman was diagnosed with MS back in February of 2013. The story line was developed partially to educate people on the disease. While it has achieved the message of being controllable it has been forgotten about by many but why? MS is not curable and it is not a disease that goes away. In fact, no matter who you are and what kind of meds you are taking, the disease does advance, yet the character never seems to have an issue with it. It has been years since they even mentioned that she was having some fatigue as a result of having MS.
Signs and symptoms of MS vary widely between patients and depend on the location and severity of nerve fiber damage in the central nervous system. Some people with severe MS may lose the ability to walk independently or ambulate at all. Other individuals may experience long periods of remission without any new symptoms depending on the type of MS they have.
There's no cure for multiple sclerosis. However, there are treatments to help speed the recovery from attacks, modify the course of the disease and manage symptoms.
Multiple sclerosis signs and symptoms may differ greatly from person to person and over the course of the disease depending on the location of affected nerve fibers.
Common symptoms include:
In conclusion
So it has been over 10 years since Nikki's diagnosis. It is past time for her to have at least a few of the issues above. For the sake of not totally dropping story lines, perhaps the substitute writers may see this article and give Nikki a few symptoms in an attempt at keeping it real.
ABC liked keeping their talent in the ABC family
If you were a fan of All My Children, One Life To Live and General Hospital you may be aware of the actors and actresses that came from All My Children to General Hospital. Here is a quick list of some of the talent that stayed in the ABC family.
We haven't even touched on actors and actresses from ONE LIFE TO LIVE that have come on over to GENERAL HOSPITAL but a few have been Michael Easton, Roger Howarth, Kassie DePaiva and Kristen Alderson to name just a few.
If anyone needs reminding as to why Susan Lucci was always the Queen of ABC Daytime, watch this:
We literally dare you to watch this clip and not cry your eyes out.
We need Susan Lucci back on Daytime
If ABC won't consider combining cast members from ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE to create one new soap, they need to bring the Queen of daytime back. Now that we have had Jackson in Port Charles, there is no reason we can't have some SUSAN LUCCI - ERICA KANE.
Bold and the Beautiful took a trip to ROME so HOPE could aggressively kills Thomas and Ridge could see Brooke through a keyhole. Some times this soap is hard to digest. For the people that view for the fashions, the Rome trip was an absolute disappointment. We were shown just 3 new dresses. Two Hope wore and one Brooke wore.
Eric and Donna get Brookes news
Eric and Donna sit attentively listening to Brooks story. Donna practically sitting in Eric's lap. Eric was hoping for this. After all, if he can't have Brooke, his son should. The soap is so incestuous in nature, even more so than other soaps. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with who is in who's bed this week.
Ridge breaks his happy news to Taylor
Ridges happiness is Taylor's heart break. Ridge tells Taylor that he has discovered Brooke is his future. Taylor tells Ridge he is going to get his heart broken again. That Brooke is who she is and Taylor is not wrong.
Steff is keeping her own secret
Steff is absolutely keeping her own secret from Finn. Why is she NOT telling Finn that Liam kissed her? That secret is going to sink their marriage ship. Finn will realize he can not trust Steff when it comes to Liam. He will also realize that he can not trust Liam around his wife. Back Stage Pass News is willing to bet that Liam will go back to Hope and shortly thereafter Finn will find out about the Liam and Steff kiss. It might just be Thomas who tells her after Steff tells him that Liam did the same thing. How can any of these people trust each other? Well, they can't. It is a soap after all.
Enjoy this song by Little River BandWell it's about time
If this is really happening and it feels like it is, Tad the Cad might be coming back into play in the soap world. YES!! ALL MY CHILDREN FANS know just how bad Tad the Cad can be. We here at Back Stage Pass News have never thought it an accident that they named Michael J. Knight Martin. After all, he was TAD MARTIN on All My Children.
Martin has been under used
Former All My Children fans all know that Martin has been under used in this soap. They have a star, a comical genius and they just haven't used him. Instead they made him use that ridiculous accent which was never really good (Sorry Michael) and have kept him on back burner for 2 years. MJK fans can not stress enough how exciting it would be to see him back on front burner. He is a joy to watch. Michael, who is now a silver fox has perfect time, is a Casanova and is able to carry any story line anytime, any place.
The Plot she thickens
So we see today that Martin is getting an electronic deposit of fifty thousand dollars. He also lets us know that he gets this payment monthly. Is this an EX paying him or is this something totally different? Has he sold the DECEPTOR idea to someone and ripped off Lucy? We hope not, we like them together.
EX # 3
How funny is it that he has his Ex's all numbered #1, #2 and #3 in his phone. Was it #3 that sent him the $50,000 and he is staying away from. How much are you loving that they are finally giving Michael something to bite his teeth into? We here at Back Stage Pass News is thrilled. Who do you think is Ex#3 and do you think we will get to meet her?
Proficient at Back stabbing
We can't imagine anybody watching Monday's episode could have come away with thinking anything else other than what a backstabbing witch Victoria happens to be. Why would somebody who is supposed to love her sibling thrown him under the bus like she did?
Victor ease-dropping
So Victor comes into Society just in time to see and possibly hear Nate and Audra toasting to their future. Wouldn't you as the father of Victoria and the actual owner of Newman Enterprises be more suspicious than Victor seems to be?
Buddy the Goat TherapyYou probably read recently about Tyler Christopher's latest issues. Well, so did Maurice and Paula Benard. They took the initiative to invite Tyler over to their home to spend time with them and their goats. Read on for more about Former General Hospital actor Tyler Christopher receives goat therapy and friendship from Maurice and Paula Benard. Public IntoxicationFirst, let's talk about this arrest as reported in People Magazine. Tyler was arrested for public intoxication after having drinks and falling asleep at the airport. We know that Tyler has children that live in another state. He has to fly to see them at least one weekend a month. He told us this when he was on STATE OF MIND one year ago. If you haven't watched this episode, you really should. It was one of the most honest interviews we at The Daily Banner have ever seen across the board. FriendshipFormer General Hospital actor Tyler Christopher receives goat therapy and friendship from Maurice and Paula BenardLast month Jackie Zeman passed away and Tyler posted about it. He states that Jackie was a mentor for him. His recent visit to the Benard home and farm makes us wonder if we are going to have another STATE OF MIND with Tyler telling us what happened? Tyler would like his role back on General Hospital. Would that help him with his issues or would it be too much stress? Talented![]() One thing is for sure, Tyler Christopher has always been extremely talented. He remains THE DAILY BANNER’S favorite Nikolas Cassadine. Will we see him again on General Hospital? It is obvious that Maurice and Paula care about him. Can friendship and Buddy The Goat be enough to get him back on track? We certainly hope so. We also hope that we will see him on STATE OF MIND again. Even better, giving him one more chance at General Hospital would be good for everyone with conditions of course. Everyone deserves are second chance to be all they can be. Was she frozen in fear?
Many people are wondering after today's episode why Sharon did scream out for Nick when Cameron was in her face? If you have never been abused by someone, it is hard to imagine not screaming. It is obvious that she still feels guilty about bringing this monster into the lives of the people she loves in the first place.
How is Cameron affording all of this?
I know there have been several people wondering how Cameron is affording paying for the things he is sending and staying at the Athletic Club. The original story line was that Cameron was a successful and rich businessman. He obviously didn't lose all his cash while in prison.
Sharon was thinking back to her conversation with Nikki about Cameron
Watch the moment he found out he won
It is always fun to look back in twenty year increments so tonight we are looking back at the moment that Maurice Benard found out that he beat Tony Geary for the Emmy in 2003.
The competition was stiff and the bar was high
Looking at these nominations, it does not escape us that Maurice and Thorsten Kaye seem to be the only two still in daytime. Thorsten is Ridge Forrester on The Bold & The Beautiful.
In fact, The Young and Restless could still have their Emmy Nominated Doug Davidson but they unceremoniously let him go. GH'S own Anthony Geary has retired. Grant Aleksander had been on a TV series called "Tainted Dreams," until 2017. Ricky Paull Goldin was in a TV Series call Beacon Hill until 2020. There is nothing reported since that day. This years Emmy Nominations
Maurice Benard as Sonny Corinthos, General Hospital (ABC) Peter Bergman as Jack Abbott, The Young and the Restless (CBS) Billy Flynn as Chad DiMera, Days of Our Lives (NBC/Peacock) Thorsten Kaye as Ridge Forrester, The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) Jason Thompson as Billy Abbott, The Young and the Restless (CBS) Watch video to see if you recognize any Mr. Right NowsMake sure to Subscribe to Maurice's Show
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